
Website Builders - Michael Fowler
Review of a number of Website Builders

Deciding on a Domain name Registrar - Michael Fowler
Review of a number of wellknown Domain name Registrars including Trustpilot review scores.

Deciding on a Webhosting Company - Michael Fowler
Review of a number of well known Webhosting Companies including Trustpilot review scores... more >>

Free File Hosting - Michael Fowler
Uses of Online File Hosting and how you might use such services. Details of a selection of free online services available and guidance on choosing the most appropriate for your needs... more >>

Images for your website - Michael Fowler
Where to find images for your website without falling foul of copyright infringement and what might happen if you use images without permission... more >>

Cheap Gold Scam - Michael Fowler
Everyone loves a bargain and in uncertain times Gold is said to be a good place to put your money. So when you receive an unexpected e-mail offering Gold below current market prices it might be worth looking into. But be wary it could be a scam..."   more >>

Natasha - Romance Scammer - Michael Fowler
Natasha, another lady from Kazakhstan would like to get to know me but is it all lies ..."   more >>

Amelia Argueta - 419 Scammer - Michael Fowler
Help this Sergeant in the US Army stationed in South Korea transfer US$15 Million out of the country to be rewatded with 30%. What could go wrong? ...   more >>

SEO Services Spam - Michael Fowler
If you have a website be prepared to be inundated with emails from SEO companies offering to get you Google page 1 listings, for a price...   more >>

Alina - Romance Scammer - Michael Fowler
It would seem that there is this lady called Alina from Kazakhstan who would like to develop a relationship with me..."   more >>

FBI Compensation of US$15 Million - Michael Fowler
Is it my lucky day when the Director of the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) contacts me to tell me I am due compensation of US$15 Million?   more >>

Beluga Bible Translations - A Bit Fishy? - Michael Fowler
Alright we know a Beluga Whale is a mammal and not a fish. But what I am questioning is whether Beluga Bible Translations is a legitimate Christian Mission or whether it is fishy?

China Domain name Scam - Michael Fowler
The China Domain name Scam and what to do when you receive an e-mail from the Chinese Registrars.

Amory Dixon - Persistant Spammer - Michael Fowler
What happens when you reply to a persistant spammer. - Legit or Scam - Michael Fowler
Scamminder is it a legitimate Scam Detection website or a scam itself?

Setting up Global E-mail Filters - Michael Fowler
Setting up Global E-Mail Filters on cPanel to "bounce-back" spam e-mails.

Choosing a Webhosting company - Michael Fowler
What to consider when deciding on a webhosting company, recommendation that you consider uk based webshosting company Just Host Me.

Choosing a Webform provider - Michael Fowler
The advantages of using webforms compared with e-mail links, the features you should consider when choosing a webform provider with the recommendation that you consider Ireland based Aidaform

Choosing the right domain name extension - Michael Fowler
Discussion of the different domain name extensions available and their suitability for different types of website.

Free Domain names - Michael Fowler
Discussion of the Pros and Cons of Free domains, popular free domains available and their suitability for different websites.

Free Hosting - Michael Fowler
The Pros and Cons of using free hosting. A review of the free hosting available in the early days of the internet (1990 - 2000) and the free hosting options available today.

Free E-Mail - Michael Fowler
Discussion of the inadequacies of isp e-mail addresses and the free e-mail alternatives available.

Hosting Reviews - Michael Fowler
A listing of leading website hosting companies with links to Review centre and Trust Pilot reviews.

Sitemaps - Michael Fowler
Discussion of the different types of sitemap, their value and the desirability of using them on a website

Broken Links - Michael Fowler
Discussion of broken links, what they are, how they occur, their detrimental effect and how to eliminate or minimise the effect they have on the performance of your website.

Project Names - Michael Fowler
An alternative to using Name Generators, just pick a name from this list of project, usernames derived from street names.

Project, Usernames - Michael Fowler
Another alternative to using Name Generators, just pick a name from this list of possible project names.


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