Choosing a Webhosting Company

If you have read the articles on this website "Free E-Mail", "Free Domain names" and "Free Hosting" you will realise that whilst free services have a certain merit for school projects, test sites and for non-profits where the budget is literally £0 a professional site needs reliability only secured when you purchase services and the the hosting company has an obligation to provide a reliable service to you.

When you look into Webhosting companies you find there are just so many. How can you determine which are good and which are just bad. Is it like trying to find the winner of the "Grand National" using a pin into the list of horses or picking a name you like?

If you are from the UK you know that a "complete" education was achieved when you had a good knowledge of the 3Rs... READING, wRITING and aRITHMETIC. Webhosting companies can be considered under a similar set of 3Rs... Resources, Reliability and Reputation and I would like to recommend a UK Hosting company called JustHostMe that I have personally used for over 10 years.


JustHostMe provides all the services you need for your professional web presence... Domain names, Webspace and E-Mail accounts and is fully scalable with a range of packages to suit all users from entry-level to those who have particular high usage demands.

Domains A full range of domain name extensions is available with a sensible pricing policy, no shocks when it comes to renewal.

Webspace Adequate space starting from 50Gb allowing you to host multiple websites on superfast SSD servers located in London (UK). Management is via industry standard cPanel control panel. If you are not familiar with cPanel it is very easy to use.

E-Mail Say goodbye to GMail, set up custom domain name e-mail addresses, as many as you wish. Control spam through configurable spam filters. Implement auto-responders to give an immediate response to those trying to contact you.


Speed JustHostMe makes use of Superfast SSD (Solid State Drives) Servers with RAID10 in London and makes use of LiteSpeed Web Server (Plus LiteSpeed Cache) which gives your website a speed boost. Redundant DNS Servers (London, Strasbourg, Beauharnois, Warsaw) further give resilience to equipment breakdown or hostile attack.

Uptime JustHostMe states on their website a 99.9% uptime guarantee and monitor their servers 24/7/365 to ensure this. I independantly monitor my main websites (hosted by JustHostMe) using the Status Cake monitoring service and am pleased to report that I very seldom experience unexpected down-time. Ocassionally JustHostMe will advise of planned maintenance that will result in down-time that they schedule where possible during night time.


Customer Service/Technical Support JustHostMe are readily contactable by Telephone. E-Mail, Support ticket and online chat to resolve any problems you might have. They also have a secret weapon Jeffrey Mattingley, their Managing Director who takes an active role in resolving customer queries and problems.

Customer Reviews If you check out Review Centre (4.7 / 5, 715 reviews) and Trust Pilot (4.5 / 5, 50 reviews) review sites you will see the high regard JustHostMe is held by it's customers.


I hope that I have encouraged you to look more into choosing JustHostMe as your Webhosting company

Please click on the link below to go straight to their website

justhostme justhostme


Michael Fowler


Other articles by Michael Fowler:

Choosing a Webform provider - Michael Fowler
The advantages of using webforms compared with e-mail links, the features you should consider when choosing a webform provider with the recommendation that you consider Ireland based Aidaform

Website Builders - Michael Fowler
Review of a number of Website Builders

Free E-Mail - Michael Fowler
Discussion of the inadequacies of isp e-mail addresses and the free e-mail alternatives available.

Free Domain names - Michael Fowler
Discussion of the Pros and Cons of Free domains, popular free domains available and their suitability for different websites.

Free Hosting - Michael Fowler
The Pros and Cons of using free hosting. A review of the free hosting available in the early days of the internet (1990 - 2000) and the free hosting options available today.

Hosting Reviews - Michael Fowler
A listing of leading website hosting companies with links to Review centre and Trust Pilot reviews


Disclosure: Potential Communications is an affiliate of JustHostMe and receives a commission on purchases made through this website.