Deciding on a Webhosting company
When deciding on a webhosting company you need to consider what type of hosting you require. The more complex your needs the more you are likely to have to expend. The simplest and least expensive hosting is likely to be shared hosting of one website with a modest but never the less an adequate amount of webspace together with the ability to create e-mail accounts on your domain name. Specialised Wordpress hosting if you are going to use that platform is definitely an advantage.
There are some of the things to consider when deciding on who to host your website with:
- The Reputation and Reliability of the Hosting company
- Whether there is a particular hosting package that meets your requirements within your budget
- The satisfaction or disatisfaction of present and past customers as to the service they have received
There are innumerable webhosting companies who can be found via a search engine but here I give some details of Webhosting companies I think worthy of consideration
D9 Hosting*
D9 Hosting has been offering webhosting services in the uk and around the world since 2007, so is well established and knows how to host. Being UK based they are attractive to UK clients and those whose traget audience is likely to be on the east side of the Atlantic
Example packages (prices correct at June 2024):
- D9 ONE advertised for one "small site" but a more than adequate offering unlimited diskspace, cPanel control panel and up to 5 e-mail accounts. $5.95 per month (reduced to $3.57 if you choose a 3 yr plan).,
- D9 MAX advertised as perfect for hosting multiple websites on a budget. This allows you to host multiple websites on the same cPanel control panel. It allows unlimited webspace, unlimited hosted domains and unlimited e-mail accounts. $8.95 per month (reduced to $5.37 if you choose a 3yr plan).
Premium hosting is available in the form of Multisite packages (multiple cPanel) $18 per month, SSD Hosting incorporating RAID10 arrays from $10.95 per month, Reseller packages are available so too are VPS and Dedicated servers. You can choose your server location - UK, USA or within the EU
D9 Hosting has not been reviewed on Trustpilot however gave it a rating of 4.9 out of 5 from 214 reviews.
D9 Hosting offers a complete range of hosting solutions from budget entry level packages to more demanding requirements for large traffic business sites or for reselling. You can grow your online presence with D9.
Just Host Me is a small Domain Registrar and Webhosting company based in the UK. You might not have heard of them or confused them with a similarly named company but you have missed out! JustHostMe offers some well featured Hosting Packages at very reasonable prices.
One particularly attractive feature is that all packages allow you to host multiple add on domains (websites) and have as many e-mail accounts as you might wish. Customer support via ticket or online chat is second to none for those times when you are not sure what to do or what you intended to happen has not happened.
Example charges (prices correct at June 2024):
- Starter Hosting 25GB webspace, 1GB memory, CPU 1 core (100%), Unlimited Add-On Domains, Unlimited E-mail accounts, cPanel - £4.99 per month
- Personal Hosting 50GB webspace, 2GB memory, CPU 2 core (100%), Unlimited Add-On Domains, Unlimited E-mail accounts, cPanel - £7.99 per month
Higher specification packages such as the Business (75GB/3GB memory) and Ultimate (100GB/4GB memory together with Cloud Hosting, Reseller Hosting (with multiple cPanels) and VPS Hosting are available for clients with specialised requirements.
JustHostMe has been in business and offering a high level of customer service both for it's domain registration and webhosting since 2007. Their Trustpilot score is 4.7 out of 5 (Excellent)
Krystal Hosting*
Krystal was established in 2002 with an aim to provide an honest, reliable and personal alternative to the large faceless hosting corporations. It offers a range of hosting packages, single website, multiple websites and unlimited websites. Business plans are available with higher specification servers and hosting plans particularly optimised for Wordpress.
For those with more specialised needs Reseller accounts, VPS, Dedicated servers and a Public cloud are available. A plan for everyone and anyone seeking a quality service provider.
Example charges (prices correct at June 2024):
- Amethyst - 1 site hosted, 10GB storage, Standard performance, Unlimited mailboxes - £7 per month
- Ruby - 5 sites hosted, 25GB storage, Enhanced performance, Unlimited mailboxes, Free domain - £11 per month
- Ruby - Unlimited sites hosted, Unlimited storage, High performance, Unlimited mailboxes, Free domain - £19 per month
Krystal Hosting has a Trustpilot score of 4.8 out of 5 (Excellent). Check out Krystal Hosting for both Domain name registration and Website hosting.
Namesilo claim to fame is having over 4 million active domains, it also offers a range of hosting packages to meet all requirements and budgets. Of particular interest is their hosting permits easy WordPress installation and they also have a Website Builder that is included in each package. Email is provided by Titan Email.
Example charges (prices correct at June 2024):
- Starter - 1 website, 20GB Storage, Email, cPanel - $2.99 per month
- Premium - 3 websites, 20GB Storage, Email, cPanel - $4.99 per month
- Turbo - 10 websites, 60GB Storage, Email, cPanel, Free SSL - $7.99 per month
With such a lot of domains registered and hence customers it will be interesting to see what the customer satisfaction review figures look like. Their Trustpilot page figures give a score of 4.5 out of 5 with over1,500 reviews (Excellent).
Purely.Website well known for it's inexpensive domain registration prices offers a choice of hosting packages to suit your requirements. They make use of the "Container" model, a container being a lightweight, standalone software package in which your website or application resides in. The packages have no limit to the number of domains or websites you can add, though there are performance and security reasons to consider.
Reseller accounts are available offering 25, 50, 100 Containers for resale to multiple clients.
Example charges (prices correct at Dec 2024):
- Website Lite - 1 Container, Unlimited Domains, 1GB Storage, 2 CPU cores/1GB RAM (2GB burstable), Unlimited Mailboxes - £2 per month
- Website Pro - 1 Container, Unlimited Domains, 10GB Storage, 3 CPU cores/4GB RAM (6GB burstable), Unlimited Mailboxes - £5 per month
- Website Max - 1 Container, Unlimited Domains, 25GB Storage, 4 CPU cores/8GB RAM (10GB burstable), Unlimited Mailboxes - £9 per month has a score of 4.6 out of 5 on Trustpilot (Excellent) showing the company is well thought of by most of it's customers for the service they provide.
SiteGround *
Best known for their Webhosting Siteground claim to have over 3 million domain name owners on their platform. Siteground offer free domain names for the first year with their hosting plans, you cannot register domains with them without taking up a hosting plan. Check out their hosting plans.
Example charges (prices correct at June 2024):
- StartUp - 1 website, 10GB web space, Free Email - £2.99 per month (Renewal after 12 mths £13.99 per month)
- GrowBig - Unlimited websites, 20GB web space, Free Email - £4.99 per month (Renewal after 12 mths £23.99 per month)
- GoGeek - Unlimited websites, 40GB web space, Free Email - £6.99 per month (Renewal after 12 mths £34.99 per month)
Excellent Trustpilot reviews 4.8 out of 5 from over 16,000 reviews. Click over to the SiteGround site and check out their hosting plans and nab a free domain name!
Comparison chart Hosting charges
- prices correct June 2024 (Purely Dec 2024) per month ex vat, figures in brackets - renewal charges.
Michael Fowler
Other articles by Michael Fowler:
Deciding on a Domain name Registrar - Michael Fowler
Review of a number of well known Domain name Registrars including Trustpilot review scores.
Choosing a Webform provider - Michael Fowler
The advantages of using webforms compared with e-mail links, the features you should consider when choosing a webform provider with the recommendation that you consider Ireland based Aidaform
Website Builders - Michael Fowler
Review of a number of Website Builders
Free E-Mail - Michael Fowler
Discussion of the inadequacies of isp e-mail addresses and the free e-mail alternatives available.
Free Domain names - Michael Fowler
Discussion of the Pros and Cons of Free domains, popular free domains available and their suitability for different websites.
Free Hosting - Michael Fowler
The Pros and Cons of using free hosting. A review of the free hosting available in the early days of the internet (1990 - 2000) and the free hosting options available today.
Hosting Reviews - Michael Fowler
A listing of leading website hosting companies with links to Review centre and Trust Pilot reviews
Disclosure: Potential Communications is an affiliate of Just Host Me, Aidaform, D9 Solutions, Krystal Webhosting, Namesilo and Siteground * and receives a commission on purchases made through this website.