Free File Hosting
We are using the term File Hosting to refer to the online storage of computer files especially photographs (.jpg) audio (.mp3) and videos (.mp4) but including any type of file or computer format which can be viewed on a windows, mac or linux operating system computer which has the appropriate software installed.
Why use Online File Hosting?
Online file hosting can be useful for several purposes:
- Acting as an online backup for files created and stored on a personally held computing device in case that device fails and or the files are corrupted such that they cannot be accessed.
- Acting as an additional storage option as the hard disk capacity of your personal device is approached. It should be mentioned at this point that it is also possible to purchase external usb drives that can be used to provide this additional storage space and also be used as a back up device for your computer data.
- An online file storage area could be accessed by several persons with the same password credentials (2FA can create problems unless they have access to the same mobile phone!). Files can be downloaded, edited/amended or new documents/files created and the updated files re-uploaded to the online file storage area (a shared area) for other persons to access those documents.
- Computer files uploaded to Online File Hosting can be shared with others without access to the hosting by means of file links. This can be particularly useful for sharing large files or multiple which are difficult to transmit as e-mail attachments. Again at this point it should be mentioned there are large file transfer services available but these are usually distinguished from Online File Hosting solutions by not offering long term online storage of computer files.
Online File Hosting Options
There are two main options available for online file hosting:
1. Using Existing webhosting
- Using existing web hosting for the hosting of files not used in the display of webpages. Now this isn't something that Webhosting companies wish to encourage or even allow. They may offer generous hosting space but they do not wish it to be utilised primarily for the "warehousing" of files. You will also find that if you have a large amount of files that you wish to store online it is cheaper to use dedicated Online File Hosting.
- It can be useful to use webhosting for password protected member sites where committee documents such as minutes of meetings or financial spreadsheets are made available to members by links from member pages or by access to actual directories listing such documents which are then available for download.
- It is also possible to set up dedicated FTP site(s) within your webhosting which can be used for the transmittance of documents to and from the FTP site. Use of FTP sites (just as upload of webpages created offline) is best achieved with an FTP Client (program on your computer)
2. Using an Online File Hosting service
- The above options have their limitations so by far the best option is to make use of a dedicated Online File Hosting service which offer limited free access with paid options available which can offer you storage space available, for a price, up to in excess of several TB.
This is a selection of Online File Hosting available with varying amounts of free storage available:
File Hosting / Sharing
Catbox (Not specified - Free) P
Litterbox (Not specified - Free temporary storage)
Dropbox (2GB) (Bad)
GMX Cloud (2GB) (Bad)
OneDrive (5GB) P (Bad)
Eclipso Drive (5GB) (Poor)
OpenDrive (5GB) (Excellent) Cloud (8GB) P (Poor)
Google Drive (15GB - Free) P (Average)
File Hosting (Encrypted)
Proton Drive (5GB - Free) (Average)
iDrive (10GB - Free) (Average)
Ice Drive (10GB - Free, no client side encryption) (Great)
Mega NZ (20GB - Free) P (Excellent)
PDF Hosting
File Transfer
We Transfer P (Bad)
Mail Big File P (Average)
PCloud Transfer (Average)
Go File (Excellent)
How to choose between Online services?
- The amount of Free storage available and if you are looking for large storage capacity, the cost per TB/month
- The reliability and customer satisfaction with the service in question. Many of the services that have been reviewed by Trustpilot users have only been given a moderate or average rating and some have been said to be poor or bad. I have used OneDrive and GoogleDrive and found them satisfactory even though they have been given poor reviews. (Everyone has a different experience). I have also had a satisfactory service from but do not actively promote them for political reasons.
Google Drive or One Drive are popular choices and are easy to use especially if you are using a smartphone and wish to store your files off your phone. Even though I have not tried it Open Drive is well thought of by Trustpilot reviewers. I would recommend Mega.NZ for favourable jurisdiction and ease of use and if you have limited requirements I would look at Owl Cloud Host.
P = Personally used and recommended. R = Recommended. X = Problems.
Michael Fowler
Credit: Download Cloud File Download by The Halal Design on Pixabay, Upload Cloud Up Data Arrow by The Halal Design on Pixabay
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Choosing a Webhosting company - Michael Fowler
What to consider when deciding on a webhosting company, recommendation that you consider uk based webshosting company Just Host Me.
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Free Domain names - Michael Fowler
Discussion of the Pros and Cons of Free domains, popular free domains available and their suitability for different websites.
Free E-Mail - Michael Fowler
Discussion of the inadequacies of isp e-mail addresses and the free e-mail alternatives available.
Hosting Reviews - Michael Fowler
A listing of leading website hosting companies with links to Review centre and Trust Pilot reviews
Disclosure: Potential Communications does not receive payments from any of the companies mentioned on this page
Disclaimer: The websites linked from this webpage are believed to offer services worth considering and to be factually correct but no warranty is offered as to the accuracy of the information on those linked websites nor that those services will meet your particular requirements. You are also subject to any copyright / terms of use restrictions of those websites.