SEO Services Spam
If you have a website be prepared to be inundated with emails from SEO companies offering to get you Google page 1 listings, for a price.
Sometimes these e-mails may be addressed personally to your e-mail address and mention your website address or your e-mail address may just be one of a number of e-mail addresses included bcc (blind carbon copy) in an e-mail sent out possibly to hundreds of recipients.
Now I have described these "companies" as spammers in that they send out unsolicited e-mails promoting their "services" but they may in fact be scammers in that if you agree to them doing search engine optimisation work for you that you do not get the work done or the results promised to you and you have paid part or all of the "fee" up-front.
These are some of the characteristics of the e-mails sent out:
- Sent from free e-mail providers, often gmail or outlook
- They can give the impression they have visited your website and tell you they can improve your search engine position, but do not specify the particular search phrase. They may not have even have looked at your website.
- They do not tell you what company they represent nor give a company website whereby you might be able to check out the company and maybe check whether they have been able to achieve a good search engine results page position for say "search engine optimisation services". If they can't get themselves to a good position they won't be able to get you to a good position.
Do not engage SEO Services from persons who have contacted you using spam e-mail techniques. If you wish to employ help with search engine optimisation of your website(s) research suitable companies by means of a google search, viewing their websites and testimonials of clients who have found the services worthwhile.
E-mails received
Search Engine Optimisation Services Spam
Applications Development Spam
These follow similar "scatter-gun" spam techniques employed by SEO spammers... The companies utilise free e-mail providers and offer their services probably without ever visiting your website to gain some knowledge of what type of app might be most suitable to improve your web presence.
They never make known their website if they have one and I am tempted to believe that some of those offering to do the work don't do it themselves but sub-contract it out to freelancers.
If you are thinking of seeking out someone to develop a particular app for you then make your own enquiries. Do a Google search, visit websites, see examples of their work and possibly testimonials from people who have successfully used their services.
If you are going to engage anyone be wary of paying any portion of the charges upfront. Enthusiasm might wane when part or all of the fee has been paid.
Do not rely on unsolicited approaches such as those described below.
E-mails received
Website Redesign Spam
Spam of this type is not received as often as the two previous categories detailed above but they follow the same format of spam e-mails that may be scams. Use is made of free e-mail providers such as gmail or outlook and no mention is made of a company website whereby a prospective client could see examples of the web designer's work.
Ignore speculative approaches and do your own research. You may think it preferable if you engage a local website designer where you could have face to face meetings to discuss your requirements.
There are a number of "no-code" website builders available these days and it may be that you can create your own website without the need to pay a designer, you would only need to pay the subscription charges for the chosen website builder. Website builders include hosting within their website packages... More information >>
E-mails received
Remove Negative Content Spam
The promise is that these services will be able to remove negative content and comments possibly competitors will place on review websites. Whether they are able to do this or if the persons repeatedly spamming you are also scamming you.
Any legitimate service wishing to develop their business should have a website with high serps results especially if they wish to show they are a serious web service.
There are many such services listed at Remove Negative Content Services (Google listing)
The people spamming not merely contact you once but give you a "gentle reminder" a few days later. Check out their standard sales pitch
E-mails received
Michael Fowler
Other articles by Michael Fowler:
Choosing a Webhosting company - Michael Fowler
What to consider when deciding on a webhosting company, recommendation that you consider uk based webshosting company Just Host Me.
Choosing a Webform provider - Michael Fowler
The advantages of using webforms compared with e-mail links, the features you should consider when choosing a webform provider with the recommendation that you consider Ireland based Aidaform
Free Domain names - Michael Fowler
Discussion of the Pros and Cons of Free domains, popular free domains available and their suitability for different websites.
Free E-Mail - Michael Fowler
Discussion of the inadequacies of isp e-mail addresses and the free e-mail alternatives available.
Free Hosting - Michael Fowler
The Pros and Cons of using free hosting. A review of the free hosting available in the early days of the internet (1990 - 2000) and the free hosting options available today.